Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Upcoming Felting Classes with Robbin Firth of HeartFelt Silks

It's a new season of felting classes at the HeartFelt Silks Studio at SEASON on St. Croix Gallery! See the list of select classes before. Other felting classes (including private and group instruction) can be arranged by appointment.

All registrations are done via phone or email and must be prepaid. 

Follow us on Facebook to see photos from previous classes!

Take a felting class with fiber artist Robbin Firth at HeartFelt Silks® Studio
Let your creativity flourish and create unique fashion accessories and home decor objects!
Location: 401 Second Street, Hudson, WI 54016  at SEASONS on St. Croix Gallery
phone: 651-263-7275        email: robbin@heartfeltsilks.com        www.HeartFeltSilks.com

Felted Flowers, Vines, Necklaces and Belts

Create beautiful and delicate flowers with stems to make belts and necklaces. This class will take you through the basics of making the flowers with the Palm Washboard felting tool. Robbin will show you an easy technique to create the stems and then a way to connect them to the flowers for making your own fashionable accessories. (Bring a couple of towels) 

 Material & class fee $55.00                                

Friday, May 9th 6:00pm-9:00pm
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Wrapped In Seasons Shawl (Knitting Class by guest teacher Diane L. Augustin)

Learn to knit a luxurious Merino Wool shawl to enjoy through the seasons. Quick and rewarding to knit, each pattern version uses 2 hanks of fabulous Malabrigo Mecha. You will begin your shawl in class and finish it on your own. Custom-made shawl pins by Harry Firth of HeartFelt Silks will be available to purchase for your shawl. Age/level: adults, beginners & beyond. For materials list and additional details, contact Diane at 651-398-5319 or dianelaugustin@mac.com

Class fee: $30.00                                                             

Friday, May 30th 6:00pm-8:00pm
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Lightweight Summer Scarf

Felting and experimenting with hand-dyed cotton gauze is the starter for this lightweight summer scarf. Fabric, merino fiber and various silk fibers go into this unique and classy summer creation. Never felted before? No problem, we will teach you the convenient non-rolling technique with the Heartfelt Silks patent-pending Palm Washboard tool. Materials provided. (Bring a couple of towels.)

Material & class fee: $65.00 

Saturday, June 14th 1:00pm-4:00pm
Saturday, July 12th 1:00pm-4:00pm
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Silk Ruffle Scarf

Create an original silk scarf and learn the basics of three crafts (needle-felting, wet-felting, silk dyeing). First, we will needle-felt and wet-felt using merino wool & silk blend roving. This creates great ruffles! Then we will dye the whole thing with bright beautiful dyes. Supplies needed: Five prong clover needle-felting tool and large clover needle-felting mat (available through Robbin). (Bring a couple of towels)

Material & class fee: $55.00                                             
Friday, July 18th 6:00pm-9:00pm
Friday, August 15th 6:00pm-9:00pm
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Nuno Felted Scarf

Have you been waiting for this one? Nuno-Felting with the Palm Washboard! We will be taking hand-dyed Habotai Silk, adding Merino Wool roving, and then felting with the Palm Washboard felting tool, and very little rolling. You create the design for your own unique original scarf. No experience needed. Materials provided. (Bring a couple of towels.)

Material & class fee:  $60.00                                    
Saturday, August 30th 1:00pm-4:30pm
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Policy on Cancellations and Refunds: If you cancel a class 2 or more weeks ahead of class, there will be a 10% cancellation fee. If you cancel less than 2 weeks before class, there will be a 50% cancellation fee. If you cancel the day before or day of class there will be no refunds. A full refund will be made if a class is canceled by the instructor.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

UPWOLFING Mats are here -- let the felting fun begin!

We are delighted to be a USA distributor of select UPWOLFING products! Created by felt artist and inventor Irene Van Der Wolf from the Netherlands, the UPWOLFING felting technique has taken over the felting world by storm! Irene's innovative tools and methods allow you to get very creative and have a lot of fun with your felting projects. The UPWOLFING mats are best known for allowing you to create unusual texture and nodules on felted objects, garments, and works of art.

Irene Van Der Wolf, felt fiber artist and inventor
We currently carry the Big Hole UPWOLFING mats (24"x24") as we all s the Long UPWOLFING mats (80"x8"). The mats can be cut into other shapes, as desired. You can find both mats in our Etsy shop and our website shop.

Big Hole UPWOLFING Mat, available in the USA from HeartFelt Silks

Long UPWOLFING Mat, available in the USA from HeartFelt Silks

To see Irene Van Der Wolf's process when working with the UPWOLFING mats, watch her YouTube video. You can also learn more about her artwork and designs on her Kunstwolf website.

Here is how we have been using the UPWOLFING mats in the HeartFelt Silks studio. Our Palm Washboard felting tools work very well for the UPWOLFING technique too! Oh, what fun!

Felt Art by Robbin Firth of HeartFelt Silks

Note: Our stock of UPWOLFING mats is limited, and all orders are filled on first-come first-served basis. We are only able to ship UPWOLFING products within the USA at this time. For overseas shipping, please contact us for a shipping quote.

Happy Felting!